Lightly spray the muffin tin with desired cooking spray, then line each muffin tin with a slice of prosciutto. Mold and press the prosciutto around the muffin cup so the sides and bottom are covered.
Cooking spray, 6 slices Prosciutto
Carefully crack an egg into each cup so the yolk remains intact. Gently nestle in 2 slices of cherry tomatoes.
6 large Eggs, 6 Cherry tomatoes
Garnish egg cup with basil leaves, black pepper and grated parmesan cheese.
2 tablespoon Basil leaves, 2 tablespoon Parmesan cheese, Black pepper
Bake for 13-16 minutes based off desired consistency of egg yolk. Remove from the oven when done baking and serve immediately or store in the fridge in for up to 3 days.
Adjust baking time based off desired consistency of egg yolk.