Watercolor Easter eggs are a novel way to update traditional dyed eggs. Using liquid watercolors and spray bottles, you can easily create lovely speckled and marbled effects.
4bottlesliquid watercolorsuse any number of colors you'd like, 4 is a good start
4spray bottles
2bottlesmetallic watercolors
2paint brushes
waterto dilute the watercolors
Prevent your screen from going dark
Hard boil 1 dozen eggs and let cool
Mix water and liquid watercolors according to package directions and place desired colors in spray bottles
Do the same with the metallic watercolors, and place in small dishes
Paint on metallic colors first if you'd like a shimmery effect
To create a marbled egg, liberally paint on 2-3 colors separately, allowing the colors to blend together. Allow to dry for 30 minutes before handling.
For the speckled effect, hold bottles back about 3-4 inches and lightly spray desired colors on each egg, creating a light stream of color. Allow to dry for 30 minutes before handling.
Experiment with the water to watercolor ratios that the package directions recommend. You want bright and vibrant colors, and if you water them down too much, they won't really stand out. Start by adding a little bit of water, and then add more if necessary. The best place to get liquid watercolors is at any local craft store. You can get spray bottles at the Dollor Store.
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